Are you ready to interrupt

your patterns and live

healthier and happier

without ever feeling

like you are missing out?

Our Purpose

For women who want to re-examine their relationship with alcohol and live healthier and happier without ever feeling like they are missing out. We provide alcohol free living experiences, community, content, coaching and tools.

Join our Next 30 Day Alcohol Reset Starting January 1, 2022

You’re a good fit if any of the following are true:

  • You are starting to wonder if alcohol is taking more than it is giving.

  • You are curious about a life without alcohol but don’t believe you are an alcoholic.

  • You want to meet other women who are exploring drinking less or an alcohol-free lifestyle.

  • You have a love-hate relationship with alcohol — and find yourself setting limits and then breaking them when happy hour rolls around.

  • You want to learn how to have FUN without alcohol!

  • You are ready to regain control — of your drinking, your life, your health, and your happiness.

  • You are looking forward to feeling great on Saturday night and Sunday morning.

  • You are ready to be your best self, get in shape, regain your self-esteem and change your life.

Is this you?

Maybe you’ve accepted that this is just how life is, but it doesn’t have to be.

Yes, in 30 days you can dedicate yourself to changing your thinking, and ending the control

alcohol has over your life.

Give yourself the gift of 30 days with a 30 Day Alcohol Reset.

How does the 30 Day Alcohol Reset work?

You’ll receive daily lessons, weekly small group coaching calls and an amazing community. At the end of the reset the choice is yours - you choose whether you want to return to drinking or not.

Here’s what you receive:

  • 30 days of video training based on the book, The Alcohol Experiment ($607 Value)

  • Weekly 60 minute coaching with a small group via Zoom ($900 Value)

  • The Alcohol Experiment book by Annie Grace ($23.50 Value)

  • Access to private Facebook community for continued support, connection and celebration ($297 value)

Join for $299

It’s an incredible 30-day experience! At the end, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about what you do next with alcohol - all without shame, dogma, or guilt. And the best part is you’ll be happier and healthier.

Meet the Women of 0.0 Living

Sarah Brown

Our purpose is to create a world where saying, “I’m alcohol free” has no stigma. It will be as common as saying, “I’m gluten free.”

I have been happily alcohol free for more than three years. I wasn't a daily drinker but I spent more time thinking about drinking or drinking than anything else. From the outside, no one knew how obsessed I was with it.

When I finally quit drinking, my world opened up. I realized how much more time I had to do the things I loved AND to discover the beautiful gifts life gives you when you are present. I lost so much time being hungover and planning my drinking escapades. But not any longer and I want that for you!

I have been coaching executives for 15 years, have my masters in clinical counseling, two coaching certifications.

0.0 Living is for women who have created unhealthy habits and want education, tools and community to help them rewire how they think about drinking and give them back happiness, freedom and control.

Eisha Armstrong

Hi! I've always tried hard to look like I had it all together - Harvard MBA, mother of two boys, world traveler, and successful businesswoman who found time to become a certified yoga teacher.

But, every year my drinking was getting a little bit worse.

And no one knew.

In 2019, I did a 30-Day Alcohol Free Experiment through This Naked Mind. I worked with a coach and started to feel new energy and optimism. I met a group of women who were alcohol free AND fun!

I learned I could travel, dine out, be social and relax without alcohol. I also saw how much better my sleep was, how I had less anxiety and better moments with my family.

I want all of this for you.

I am a certified Life & Wellness Coach through This Naked Mind Institute and a Certified RYT200 Yoga Teacher. 0.0 Living helps me fulfill my mission to help other women live fearlessly.

Our approach is very different than anything you've tried before.

Believe us, this is not the same old information and tactics you’ve heard before. This is real, science based information on how alcohol changes your body and your mind. This is about understanding how your thinking changes when you drink alcohol. And it’s understanding the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual reasons that you’ve found it difficult to cut back.

Sarah and Eisha have been where you are now - they know and understand the frustration and confusion that comes with feeling like you aren’t fully in control of your drinking and you need to take a break. And they know how to help you change your thinking about alcohol so you can easily decide how much you want to drink (or not to drink at all) and stick to it.


´I am not sure when it happened, but sometime in the last 10 years, alcohol became a near-daily part of my life. And when I drank, it was often more than I had planned to drink. This program gave me the information, resources and support to break this pattern. It helped me envision and then begin to live a life of freedom from fixation on alcohol. Today, I feel so relieved to be out from under the mental and physical toll of regular drinking. In addition, I feel more energetic and very healthy. I am so grateful for this new beginning!”  - Carolyn P

´I appreciate your encouragement and mentorship more than I can express in words. I feel almost giddy this morning that this group will continue! I know in my soul there's a kinship among those who choose this path, and I'm so happy to keep learning and growing. My goal is EXACTLY what you stated... "to build a life I do not feel the need to escape from". What a privilege to have the opportunity to do this with both of you and the other brave women in our group.” – Andrea M

´I am sleeping so much better,I feel so much healthier and I honestly don't know if I will ever stop being alcohol-free.”– Teresa H

´It’s tough to put my experience into words. I was so nervous from day one. Not sure if I could make it thru that day. I did and all the days to come.PersonallyI really liked waking up and reading what to expect for the day. First read on email, then onto the book. Finishing with videos from Annie Grace. Everything began to make more sense than I could have ever expected. I absolutely loved meeting new womenwhomshared in the same journey. I’m excited about the days to come. Thanks so much to Sarah and Eisha.”- Nancy O

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